Phil Frost, Untitled, 2003

Phil Frost, Untitled, 2003

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This piece is from a series of uniquely hand-painted works on paper. The main image was silkscreened on fluorescent pink paper and then the artist hand painted each one. We included this work in the actual Beautiful Losers exhibit. It also appears on pages 260 and 271 of the Beautiful Losers book. This is a particularly good one and we decided to pull it from the archive and put it out in the world. Beautiful piece.

The piece was produced along with works by Barry McGee and Thomas Campbell in conjunction with the three person exhibition, Scribble & Scripture, 2003, at Roberts & Tilton gallery in Los Angeles.

Phil Frost
Untitled, 2003
Hand painted spray enamel and serigraph on paper
20 x 16 inches
Inscribed on recto
Published on the occasion of the exhibit Scribble & Scripture, Roberts & Tilton, Los Angeles, 2003

Beautiful Losers, 2004-2009 (traveling)

Bibliography :
Beautiful Losers : Contemporary Art And Street Culture, Edition Iconoclast, 2005, p 260 and 271

Beautiful Losers Archive

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