Next up in our rollout of new, rare printed matter recently unboxed is a small run artist photography book by Peter Sutherland that focuses on his return trips home to his native Colorado. Sutherland is a well known art, fashion and culture photographer based in New York. This small run artist book was published in an edition of only 1000 by P.A.M. Perks And Mini is a husband and wife artist duo that produce a fashion label of the same name. We distributed many P.A.M. books during this period.
Peter Sutherland
Coming Home, 2006
Soft cover artist book
8.25 x 5.75 inches
Edition of 1000
Beautiful Losers Archive
#petersutherland #barrymcgee #beautifullosers #kaws #shepardfairey #graffiti #JR #edtempleton #obeygiant #osgemeos #obey #rareobject #PAM #perksandmini #perks