Matt Leines, Untitled, 2004
This is an EPIC signature work by Matt Leines. Very rare to find these classic works of this level of quality - and size. This one is quite large. Tons of detail and work in this one. In hand painted artist frame. This piece is from one of the satellite shows we did when the inaugural Beautiful Losers exhibit opened in March 2004. We did 3 significant projects outside of the museum that ran concurrently with Beautiful Losers. This piece was in Good World. Scroll to see the schedule of events. It was an epic week! One for the books. So much energy.
Good World was a group show that included Matt Leines and other artists in the Beautiful Losers orbit. We also did a full city mural project with commissioned murals all over the city. Participating artists included Barry McGee, Os Gemeos, KR, Barnstormers (David Ellis, Rostarr, Doze, Dalek, TSC, and Scribe.
Finally we did huge show at a historic brewery that was multi-level. Floor one was art installations by The Royal Art Lodge (Marcel Dzama, Michael Dumontier, and Neil Farber), Space 1026 (Philadelphia), and Paper Rodeo (Forcefield, Paper Rad, Lightning Bolt). The second floor featured musical performances by The Faint and Secret Machines. The third floor was a massive custom indoor skatepark made just for this project with performances by the Toy Machine squad: Ed Templeton, Austin Stephens, and Josh Harmony.
Matt Leines
Untitled, 2004 (Diptych)
Mixed media on paper in artist's frames in two parts
22 x 14 inches
Signed by the artist
Good World, 2004
Bibliography :
Beautiful Losers : Contemporary Art And Street Culture, Edition Iconoclast, 2005
Beautiful Losers Archive