David Ellis, OH Superman Studies, 2008

David Ellis, OH Superman Studies, 2008

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For the Christmas season, we have unboxed some serious grails, including original works that we will be releasing for the first time. This is one of them. David Ellis, OH Superman Studies, 2008. Absolutely gorgeous painting from his "Flow" painting body of work. This piece started with a collage of various works on paper created by Ellis using vintage typewriters and computer word documents. Then he used black gesso and silver enamel to create the "Flow' painted elements. Significantly sized work. Just beautiful.

David Ellis
OH Superman Studies, 2008
Black gesso, enamel, and collage on wood panel
34 x 55 x 2 inches
Signed and dated on verso

Uh Oh, Country Club, 2008
Outsiders, 2019

Country Club
Beautiful Losers Archive

#davidellis #barrymcgee #beautifullosers #kaws #shepardfairey #graffiti #edtempleton #obeygiant #harmonykorine #osgemeos #rareobject #grail #flow #flowpainting #superman